Bas-Rhin Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine France


See Marmoutier Abbey (Tours) for the former abbey in Tours. Marmoutier (French pronunciation: [maʁmutje] ; German: Maursmünster) is a commune in the Bas-Rhin département in Grand Est in north-eastern France. The origin of the place is the former Marmoutier Abbey, of which the abbey church still serves as the parish church.

Distance between:

Paris to Marmoutier 230 Miles / 370 Kms
Marseille to Marmoutier 386 Miles / 622 Kms

Population: 2706 inhabitants
Code of the commune: 67283
Postal Code: 67440

tourist attraction Nearby

Musée du patrimoine et du judaïsme alsacien de Marmoutier
Marmoutier Abbey, Alsace